The Visiting Scholar Program has resumed as of the Fall 2022 semester. To initiate a visiting scholar request, Montclair State host faculty should complete the Academic & Export Control Application as their first step.
The Office of International Academic Initiatives (IAI) welcomes international visiting scholars and guests. We are committed to international initiatives across campus by supporting international collaborations, research partnerships and faculty mobility. IAI administers the Visiting International Research Scholar program for those scholars who wish to affiliate with Montclair State to conduct research. Departments wishing to hire an international scholar full-time would not use the Visiting Scholar process, but instead should work with Human Resources to facilitate the employment and visa processes.
Scholar Eligibility
Visiting scholars with a PhD or PhD candidates with teaching or research appointments at a university are eligible to apply for residency at Montclair State. Scholars without a PhD but who are otherwise appropriately qualified may apply for review.
Visiting Scholars must be matched with a Montclair State faculty host for the duration of their affiliation.
Priority will be given to:
- Fully funded scholars, especially Fulbright-funded scholars or scholars funded by the home country or institution (Fulbright scholars will have their visa applications executed and reviewed by the Fulbright Foundation).
- Scholars who are at an institution that has an institutional or exchange agreement with Montclair State.
- Scholars who either have a relationship with a Montclair State faculty member or who are renowned in the profession or known in the field.
- Scholars with specialization and ability to generate co-authored papers with our faculty.
Visa Requirements and the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program
Visiting Scholars will be required to have a J-1 visa prior to their arrival on campus. The J-1 Exchange Visitor visa classification was developed to implement the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act (Fulbright-Hayes Act) of 1961. The purpose of the Act is to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries through educational and cultural exchanges
J-1 Visas are issued by the Department of State under the auspices of the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program. Please visit the Office of Global Engagement for J-1 Visiting Scholar Categories.
The Office of Global Engagement will assist visiting scholars with the sponsorship paperwork required to apply for a J-1 visa.
English Language Requirements
Montclair State and the U.S. State Department requires all Visiting Scholars to demonstrate English language proficiency.
Applicants will automatically be considered proficient in English if either of the following applies:
- Native language is English
- Completed a degree at an English speaking university (copy of degree required)
- Teacher of English with earned BA or MA in English
All other applicants must provide one of the following documentations to qualify for the J-1 visa:
- TOEFL score 70iBT
- IELTS score 6.0
- English3 J1English Interview, 3.0
- Duolingo score 95
- Pearson PTE-A score 48
- ITEP score 3.7
- Language Certificate demonstrating B2 Level or higher based on the European Framework
Departments must also conduct a phone or online interview with the scholar to determine suitability to research or teach at Montclair State University.
The above scores represent the minimum to allow consideration of the scholar application.
Initiating a Visiting Scholar Application
A Montclair State faculty member may initiate an application to host a visiting scholar at Montclair State by completing the Academic and Export Control Application (file download above), securing Department Chair and Dean’s signatures, and then sending it to the Office of Research for Export Control review. All steps and the necessary emails are outlined in the downloadable Word file above. Please note that these steps should be taken by the host faculty, not the proposed visiting scholar. Additional considerations:
- Scholar applicants must participate in an in-person or video conference interview with their proposed Montclair State faculty host prior to receiving an invitation.
- Visiting Scholar applicants must meet all eligibility requirements indicated above.
- Consideration must be given to the university’s Global Compliance and Institutional Review Board requirements as appropriate.
Requests should be submitted as far as advance as possible, no later than four months from the proposed start date. This lead time is important to allow time for the visa process which can take four months if not longer.
Apply to be a Visiting Scholar
If you are interested in becoming an International Visiting Scholar please send a letter of introduction, your CV and a brief research proposal to the relevant department chairperson for review. If you are matched, the department/professor will submit the application on your behalf.
If you have a general question about becoming a Visiting Scholar please email Tim White at
Letter of Invitation
Visiting Scholars will receive an invitation letter after their host faculty have secured Chair approval, Dean approval, Export Control review by the Office of Research, and the approval of the Office of International Academic Initiatives.
Invitation letters contain the name of the visiting scholar, purpose (teaching or research), the topic and the area of their research interest, host department and host faculty members names, dates of their stay, and any relevant details of funding sources for the visiting scholar. Montclair State University will prepare this Letter of Invitation for the Scholar so that he/she may use it for the visa appointment and for scholarship/fellowship applications, as appropriate.
A host faculty member must be assigned to each visiting scholar. The person will be the main point of contact and is responsible for supervising the scholar’s research and supporting the scholar during their stay at Montclair State University. The scholar must be provided with a suitable space to work on campus.
Expectations of the Montclair State Faculty Host
The host faculty will be the liaison between the visiting scholar, the Office of International Academic Initiatives, and campus community. As the primary contact, the host faculty will provide assistance during the residency of the visiting scholar and will be expected to:
- Conduct an online (or in person) interview with the scholar applicant.
- Arrange an office space for the visiting scholar and orient the scholar to the campus.
- Introduce the visiting scholar to the department and other colleagues.
- Refer the scholar to appropriate resources, lectures, and other opportunities.
- If possible, pick up and drop off the visiting scholar at the airport and help the scholar settle in.
- Work with the visiting scholar in finding off-campus housing with assistance from IAI.
- Schedule regular meetings with the scholar and ensure progress is being made with their research.
- Identify opportunities for the scholar to learn about U.S. culture and be actively engaged with the campus community.
- Notify the department and IAI of the visiting scholar’s expected arrival date on campus and departure date.
- Notify the IAI if the scholar is absent for a significant period of time and/or not making reasonable progress with their research.
Visiting Scholar Expectations
Visiting scholars should interact significantly with the campus community. In addition to successfully completing the proposed research or teaching assignment, a visiting scholar will be expected to
- Deliver at least one public presentation at a departmental or college level.
- Comply with all university regulations.
- Deliver presentations, meet with classes or student groups that share common characteristics or interests, participate as a guest speaker within the scholar’s disciplines, or in courses related to language and culture.
- Regularly be present on campus and meet with your faculty host.
- Actively pursue opportunities to learn about U.S. culture.
- Submit a report on achievements, presentations and research efforts to the faculty host and the Office of International Academic Initiatives prior to your departure.
Visiting scholars are responsible for complying with U.S. federal laws and regulations governing the J-visa.
- Upon your arrival on campus you must check in with both the Office of International Academic Initiatives and the Office of Global Engagement
- The Office of Global Engagement will advise on all matters related to your J visa status and compliance. Contact:
- Scholars wishing to bring family members must notify the Office of Global Engagement to request guidance on visa requirements.
Housing and Support
Montclair State offers no long-term housing for Visiting Scholars. It is the visiting scholar’s responsibility to find off campus accommodation with the assistance of the faculty host. Scholars may also access the University’s Off-Campus Housing site.
IAI wants to support faculty hosts to integrate their scholars with the campus community. We will co-host and promote events in which your scholar participates and try to connect your visiting scholar with other services and/or with faculty in other disciplines where appropriate. Please reach us if you’d like to discuss ways our office can support you.